How Can We Reduce Educational Inequality in the Americas?
On June 19, the Dialogue hosted an event to present the latest Education program report and discuss the urgency of reducing inequality in Latin America, particularly in education.
On June 19, the Dialogue hosted an event to present the latest Education program report and discuss the urgency of reducing inequality in Latin America, particularly in education.
Educational inequality is a critical issue in Latin America. The Inter-American Guide on Strategies to Reduce Educational Inequality presents ten policy strategies that have proven effective at reducing levels of educational inequality.
Con un fuerte llamado de atención a los gobiernos para que otorguen más prioridad a la equidad y la justicia social, el 25 de noviembre fue lanzada en Ginebra la séptima edición del Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación Para Todos en el Mundo. De hecho, el título de esta…