This study presents a guide for higher education institutions (HEIs) and institutions with non-academic training functions. The guide aims to document the current adoption of alternative credentials, the main barriers and opportunities for institutions, and finally, offer recommendations and practical lessons for their implementation.
This report, elaborated by Latin America Coalition for Teaching Excellence, studies initiatives that have strengthened teachers’ digital skills in Latin America. Specifically, it addresses the digital competency frameworks that exist in the region, teacher training experiences, and the evaluation processes implemented to measure progress in digital teaching skills.
Sarah Stanton, Alejandra Vargas Durango, Latin American Coalition for Excellence in Teaching
On September 8, the Education Program, together with Coursera, convened a public online event to present the findings of Coursera’s Global Skills Report and showcase new trends in the labor market.
On October 13, 2021, the Inter-American Dialogue convened the virtual panel discussion on “Youth Employment and Sustaining Latin America’s Economic Recovery. In partnership with the United Way and Aspen Institute, the Inter-American Dialogue invited panelists to discuss how to create sustainable youth employment, highlighting the need to create better tools for job readiness and new frameworks to create opportunity for young people.
Un nuevo informe publicado por CAF – Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Diálogo Interamericano describe cómo los países latinoamericanos han buscado mejorar la pertinencia de la formación de capital humano y qué intervenciones pueden potenciar y mejorar las intervenciones existentes.
A new report from the Education program analyzes trends in education policy and outcomes, as well as in development assistance and investment. It identifies spaces for US-LAC partnership for new and continued engagement.
English proficiency is a critical tool for competitiveness in the global economy. How can governments implement effective English language learning policies and programs?
The lack of adequate skills represents a bottleneck to productivity growth and to the ability of workers to obtain gainful employment in Latin America.
The lack of adequate skills represents a bottleneck to productivity growth and to the ability of workers to obtain gainful employment in Latin America.
Post-secondary technical vocational education is primarily directed towards youth that have recently finished high school, preparing them directly for the labor market.
Recognizing the growing challenges Latin American countries face in skills development, the dialogue organized a seminar on technical education and professional training.