
Building Effective Teacher Policies

There is little debate regarding the importance of teachers for learning. The real question is: how can we improve their effectiveness?

Ariel Fiszbein, Belén Cumsille

Reports ˙

Teacher Effectiveness

A definition of teacher effectiveness that is appropriate and workable in theLatin American context.

Barbara C. Hunt

Reports ˙

Education Reform Policy

For a long time, poor coverage and low quality education in Latin America have been seen as some of the main causes for the slow economic growth and the unequal income distribution.  Since World War II, many governments decided to hire more teachers and to build more schools; consequently, in…

Robert R. Kaufman, Joan M. Nelson

Reports ˙

Evaluación en el aula, currículo y evaluaciones externas

El presente documento es uno de los productos del estudio realizado por el Instituto de Evaluación Educativa de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay, con el apoyo del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Estándares y Evaluación de PREAL, denominado “La evaluación de aprendizajes en las aulas de primaria en América Latina. Enfoques…

Graciela Loureiro Denis

Reports ˙

Portada declaración sobre condiciones laborales docentes

Declaration on Working Conditions and Career Advancement for Teachers

The objective of this Declaration is to promote regional dialogue about the working conditions necessary for excellent teaching, as well as to contribute to a better design, formulation, and execution of public policies.

Coalición Latinoamericana para la Excelencia Docente

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Declaration

report cover

Honduras: The State of Teacher Policy

This report includes findings and recommendations to strengthen teacher policies in Honduras.

Fundación para la Educación Ricardo Ernesto Maduro Andreu - FEREMA

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