
Trump y el mundo: jugando con fuego

No pueden ignorarse los efectos corrosivos que la presidencia de Trump está teniendo sobre la democracia estadounidense y sus normas de tolerancia y civilidad. La única pregunta es cuánto daño habrá hecho Trump antes de que alguien lo frene, y si será posible repararlo.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Ideele

Strongmen Have the Edge With Trump. Why Not Maduro?

Mr. Trump should be commended for coming down hard on Latin America’s strongmen. But by also resurrecting an impulse for unilateral action and indifference to the region’s needs and concerns, he is making it more difficult to help bring about the democratic change he ostensibly seeks.

Michael Shifter, David Toppelberg

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The New York Times

The G20 in Buenos Aires Will Disappoint–But Not All Is Lost

In the annual meeting of the world’s largest economies, which starts on Friday in Argentina, it seemed that Latin America and its most pressing concerns – such as the crisis in Venezuela – would be the priorities. However, it is now clear that the current complex global dynamic will dominate.

Irene Estefanía, Ben Raderstorf

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The New York Times Español

Michael Shifter habla sobre cómo reacciona América Latina a la invasión rusa en Ucrania Video

Shifter: “En este momento no veo otro país con un interés tan fuerte y con una alianza tan profunda como la de Colombia y Estados Unidos”

Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, habló con DW sobre la guerra en Ucrania y las posiciones de los países latinoamericanos sobre la invasión. Durante la entrevista se trataron temas como el potencial efecto de dicho conflicto para América Latina y el vinculo existente entre Estados Unidos y actores regionales.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ DW Español

Tom Shannon

Shannon: “[Putin] believes that the United States might have lost the stomach for a larger struggle against a determined enemy”

Ambassador Thomas Shannon, co-chair of the board of directors of the Inter-American dialogue, was interviewed on by StudioTulsa about his recent talk at the Tulsa Committee on Foreign Relations titled “Diplomacy in a Contested World: How to Keep the Peace and Advance American Prosperity in the 21st Century”. The discussion spanned topics from the Russian invasion of Ukraine to US foreign policy to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.

Interviews ˙ ˙ Public Radio Tulsa

photo of Michael Shifter

Shifter: “Posição de Bolsonaro complicará relações entre Brasil e EUA”

Michael Shifter, presidente do Inter-American Dialogue, falou com Valor sobre a omissão do presidente Jair Bolsonaro em criticar a Rússia ou condenar a guerra na Ucrânia. Durante a entrevista cobriram-se temas como a relação bilateral entre Rusia e Brasil, o impacto da China na região e a posição dos governos latinoamericanos respeito ao conflito Ucraniano. 

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ Valor

photo of celso amorim

Will Brazil’s Plan for Peace Talks on Ukraine Take Root?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ views on Brazil’s proposal for peace talks on the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Peter Hakim, Patrick Duddy, Amanda Mattingly, Riordan Roett, Gilberto M. A. Rodrigues, Cecilia Godoy

Latin America Advisor ˙