
The G20 in Buenos Aires Will Disappoint–But Not All Is Lost

In the annual meeting of the world’s largest economies, which starts on Friday in Argentina, it seemed that Latin America and its most pressing concerns – such as the crisis in Venezuela – would be the priorities. However, it is now clear that the current complex global dynamic will dominate.

Irene Estefanía, Ben Raderstorf

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The New York Times Español

photo of Michael Shifter

“Es exagerado afirmar que si Petro gana, Colombia sería otra Venezuela”

La izquierda y el fervor religioso se hacen un lugar en medio de los históricos récords de impopularidad de los mandatarios salientes este año: Santos, Temer, Peña Nieto, Cartes y Solís, quienes difícilmente superan el 20 por ciento de aprobación a su gestión. Michael Shifter analiza en esta entrevista con Semana este incierto panorama político de 2018.

Michael Shifter, Alexandra Correa

Interviews ˙ ˙ Semana

US-Mexico Border wall

Nafta’s Renegotiation Risks National Security

Rebecca Bill Chavez writes for the New York Times on strained relations between the United States and Mexico following the Trump administration’s threats to the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Rebecca Bill Chavez

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ New York Times

Latin America’s Presidential Elections: Are Mexico, Brazil and Colombia Ready for Anti-Establishment Candidates?

Next year, critical elections in Latin America’s three most populous countries—Colombia, Mexico and Brazil—are likely to reveal a distemper stemming from citizen disgust with a mix of corruption scandals, mediocre economies, unremitting violence and a largely discredited political class. All three presidential contests are wide open and ripe for anti-establishment challengers.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Newsweek


What’s Wrong with Mexico & How to Fix It

On Thursday, May 11th, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted an event with Denise Dresser, professor of Political Science from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. During the event: What’s Wrong with Mexico & How to Fix It, Dresser addressed the challenges the country is facing today such as the US-Mexico relations, Enrique Peña Nieto’s presidency, and corruption.

Laura Campiglia de Méndez

Event Summaries ˙

Oil and Commodities: The End of the “Age of Abundance”

Across Latin America, the sustained decline in global oil prices has had a profound impact on economic growth, political stability and the viability of resource nationalism – when governments assert more control over the nation’s natural resources.

Lisa Viscidi, Rebecca O’Connor

Reports ˙ ˙ Italian Institute for International Political Studies

Advierten que México sufrirá si Trump es presidente

¿Debe México hacer campaña en Estados Unidos para que conciudadanos se registren y voten, y otra para resaltar los beneficios del TLCAN? ¿Es momento de pensar en cómo recibiremos a millones de deportados, hay que dar la pelea en tribunales internacionales de derechos humanos? ¿Llegó la hora de preparar represalias comerciales contra Estados Unidos y considerar nuevos socios en AL, Europa y Asia? Son muchas preguntas, y variadas y hasta opuestas las respuestas que dan diplomáticos, politólogos y analistas. Sólo una sola cosa es cierta: Trump es impredecible.

Michael Shifter, Dolia Estévez

Interviews ˙ ˙ Forbes

Which Mexico for Obama?

When President Obama meets this week with President Peña Nieto, he will be visiting a country that was much maligned throughout his first term.

Peter Hakim

˙ Reuters

How Well Has EPN Performed?

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto marks 100 days in office. Is he focusing the beginning of his presidency on the right goals?

Andrés Rozental, Rogelio Ramirez de la O, Pamela Starr, Duncan Wood