Press Mentions

If [Fernandez] falters, if the economy continues to stumble along, if his strategy becomes unworkable, then Kirchner will emerge as the stronger party. It is Cristina in the end that has the loyal following, and knows how to talk convincingly to ordinary Argentines.
The prospect of Cristina Fernandez and the Peronists back in the driver’s seat horrified the local business community and foreign investors, which has put additional downward pressure on the economy.
In Bolivia, the electoral process has been bizarre and highly suspect. It is hard to escape the conclusion that Evo is brazenly trying to steal the election to avoid a runoff that he might well lose. He is intent on perpetuating himself in power. He sees himself as Bolivia’s savior who deserves another term.
No hay ninguna posibilidad de que Fernández repita el escenario de Venezuela. Fernández es moderado, pragmático, y a diferencia de Venezuela, Argentina tiene instituciones independientes, una economía diversificada y una clase media todavía fuerte.
Morales’ failure to achieve a first-round victory reflects growing concern about a slowing economy, corruption scandals and his determination to pursue a fourth term in defiance of a national referendum and the Bolivian constitution. Many Bolivians are simply weary. If re-elected, Evo will be in office nearly too decades.
La condena [a “Tony” Hernández] confirma que Honduras se encuentra en una situación precaria ante la presencia del crimen organizado. El país se ha constituido en un narcoestado, especialmente en un período de diez años casi desde el golpe de estado de 2009.
Es difícil negar que, hasta hace poco, la economía de Bolivia se había desempeñado muy bien bajo (el gobierno) Evo Morales, con altas tasas de crecimiento, una fuerte reducción de la pobreza y un nivel récord de reservas, pero con la caída de los precios de las materias primas, el gobierno de Morales se ha visto obligado a pedir más préstamos y reducir las reservas para tratar de mantener los buenos tiempos.
China has shown patience with Argentina’s political and economic shifts and will likely continue to do so. They want to keep looking for strategic resources for the medium-term and they contemplate the short-term shocks when making an investment.