
Higher Education, Productivity and Competitiveness in Ibero-America – An Interview with Mariano Jabonero

Sarah Stanton, Mariano Jabonero ˙ ˙ PREAL Blog

Estudiantes conversando Ecosistema urbano and Lee Jaruzelski Reyes / Flickr / CC 2.0
How to increase productivity and competitiveness in a complex and changing environment? Mariano Jabonero, Secretary General of the OEI, presents the findings of their latest report "Higher Education, Productivity and Competitiveness in Ibero-America" and answers our questions. Read more +

Balance económico y político del Covid-19 en el Perú

Luis Miguel Castilla ˙ ˙ Voces

Martín Vizcarra Presidencia Peru / Flickr / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
El Perú ha logrado salir airoso de otras duras pruebas en el pasado y no hay razón alguna que permita anticipar que esto no vuelva ocurrir. Las elecciones del próximo año serán clave para determinar el futuro de millones de ciudadanos peruanos y se logre impulsar una agenda que revierta el deterioro social del país y lo haga menos vulnerable a los shocks que a futuro se tendrán que enfrentar.Read more +

A History of the Dialogue’s Work on Gender and Democracy

Joan Caivano, Sofia Lalinde, Sarah Galbenski ˙ ˙ Voces

Girl holding Mexican Flag Samantha Pantoja / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
The Dialogue’s pioneering work has made significant contributions to the advancement of women in leadership, the promotion of reproductive rights and health, and the reduction of violence against women. However, these issues remain extant in the region, emphasizing the need to continue conducting research and analysis in each of these key areas of concern to women and crucial to the health of the region’s democracies.Read more +

Scowcroft and Colombia

Michael Shifter ˙ ˙ Voces

Brent Scowcroft Cherie Cullen / Wikimedia / Public Domain
Brent Scowcroft was truly one of the giants of the US foreign policy establishment. We admire his wisdom, prowess as a strategist, and humility as a person. Like few others, he understood the importance of building and sustaining US alliances and respectful relations. At the Dialogue, we are inspired by Scowcroft’s rich legacy.Read more +

Hacia la Cuba que quisimos

Roberto Veiga González ˙ ˙ Cuba

Car on Havana, Cuba Public Domain
Desde hace décadas la sociedad cubana demanda un “nuevo pacto social” a través de una renovada Constitución de la República. Aunque se realizaron modificaciones positivas, estas no atendieron reclamos importantes. Cuba Posible y el Programa Cuba de la Universidad Jesús Arboleda presentan el libro "La Cuba que quisimos", la más completa expresión pública del nuevo pacto social. Read more +

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